Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Am Exactly The Person That I Want To Be

This is my theme song right now. I listen to it at least once every day, usually in the morning when I'm still waking up. It's very honest, empowering, and never fails to make me grin.

Don't tell anyone this, but I cried a little bit the first time I heard it. I'm not really a person that cries when listening to music,* but this song gets me. So I thought I'd share it with the big bad blogiverse. :)

Aaaand I think that's all I've got tonight. More interesting updates and stories to come, I promise. Also, I'm participating in a blog swap tomorrow, so expect an awesome guest post!

Peace out, amigos.

*Except for when I listen to David Bowie's "A Space Oddity" when I'm really sleep-deprived. Sometimes, thinking about Major Tom being lost in outer space is too much for me to handle.


  1. Lauren! Our Major Tom has returned! I saw he emailed this morning!

  2. I just picked up his email! Yay! He is not lost in space and I am glad!

  3. @lalalalauren: I know I know, you're going to wonder why I've moved blogs - again. If you read my last two posts on my old one, you will see why. I hope to get your support on my new home.

  4. I love love love Amanda Palmer. Awesome song.

  5. I'll need to listen to this song when I get home from work.


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