Sunday, March 13, 2011

Slightly More Hopeful Than My Previous Post...

It's been quite the week.

Rain storms.  Rejections.  Car problems.  Never-ending headaches.  The end of a project that I loved dearly.  The growing fear that something in my very own room is constantly making me sick.  The reality that being an unemployed hipster brat is not as fun as it looks on "Portlandia."  Unattractive moments of self-doubt.  Loads of uncertainty.

Encouraging words from my wonderful neighbors.  Never-ending support from my family.  Love from you guys out there in the great big blogiverse.  Late-night emails from the commune's unofficial concierge urging me not to give up on The Rock Star Dream. 

New goals scribbled down on the tattered pages of my journal.  Comprehensive step-by-step plans of action, some more practical than others.  A bucket full of cleaning supplies and a brain full of ideas.

This is my time, my golden age.  This is the part of the show where I decide not to let myself mope around and get stuck in the mundane mud.  This is when I figure out how to completely go after everything I want to be and totally own it. 

Easier said than done.  But it's all worth a shot. 

In other news, I've been having these kinds of verbal exchanges with the people I meet lately:

Me:  I live in an artist's community...
Random Person:  Oh, I think I've heard of where you live...isn't it a retirement home for hipsters?

Me:  I live in an artist's community...
Another Random Person:  Oh cool!  What's that like?  Is everybody, like, sleeping with each other and painting pictures about it?

I should just start telling people I'm a freelance hippy.  I actually thought about putting that down on my taxes but somehow I don't think the IRS shares my sense of humor...

That's all I've got tonight.  Peace. 


  1. Lauren, I love you. Your blog is awesome and you always make me smile! I hope that you find your dreams quickly! You deserve the awesomeness! I admire your ambition and drive! I wish I could figure out what I want to do and go do it! You're an inspiration!

  2. This had me cracking up: "I should just start telling people I'm a freelance hippy. I actually thought about putting that down on my taxes but somehow I don't think the IRS shares my sense of humor.."

    Who cares what people say? And don't worry about the quarter-life crisis, everyone goes through it. Just keep doing things that make you happy and you will be fine :)

  3. Nobody really has control over everything in their life; if they say they do, they're lying. I don't know where I'm headed or what I'll be doing in 5 years but part of the fun is not knowing. Good luck and just remember that you are loved and you are awesome no matter what you end up doing.

  4. This must be such a tough spot for you to be in. I'm glad you're in a better place and hope things continue to look up!

  5. The ups and downs of being a creative 20-something. Like I said in my email to you - you have plenty of opportunities to work on new projects! Stay positive.

  6. Haha! I love both "retirement home for hipsters" and "everyone sleeping with each other and painting pictures about it." How true are those stereotypes overall?

  7. Retirement home for hipsters? Do they think you look old enough to be in a retirement home?

    I'm glad you're feeling a bit more hopeful. because I know you're going places. You're too epic and awesome not to.

    Also, it really is too bad the IRS doesn't have a sense of humour. That would be awesome on your taxes.


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